Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shopping at Wally World

So, I went shopping today with my youngest boy-- D. It was an all day affair-- Walmart and Sam's. I spent Waaaaayy too much money, but we needed every bit of it.

While we were in Walmart we kept running across a particular Indian family. There were 2 kids, one woman and three men. Everywhere I went in Wally World I saw them congregating around the merchandise as if paying 32 cent more for a bottle of Clorox was going to cause a World War. I get that times are tough, I'm struggling pay check to check myself, but do you have to clog up the aisles with 6 people to buy some Tilex? Really!??!?!?!?! They stood right in the aisle talking with the Tilex in one and another cleaner in the other, with their cart and there were at least 5 other people trying to navigate the same aisle. I thought one woman was going to "kirk-off" on them. *Shout out to Lil Mama for the "kirk-off reference* She almost ran the little woman down!

I get that other cultures have a great respect for the extended family and that they are patriarchal societies, but really?!?!?! sheesh!

Since that is off my chest, I'm gonna get me a big ole yeast roll and some chicken salad and drink one of my industrial soft drinks and go to bed!!!



  1. LOL. I think they just do EVERYTHING together. And sometimes that culture can be very frugal and they LOVE to negotiate and barter. When they own those little Subways and Quiznos shops they are mad stingy with the condiments! OMG.

    The sad thing is though that they come here and get businesses in a minute and Black folks rarely have anything in their own neighborhoods. Asian folks too. So as annoying as they might be at the store and in other situations, Black folks fall short in comparison when it comes to opening businesses. Money is big factor, and I dunno, we just don't the same things with our money as other cultures do. We don't support our businesses like they do. I see streets called Litte India and Chinatown etc thriving with businesses. But our neighborhoods only get called The Hood and are rarely business areas. In my heart of hearts I wish it weren't this way.

  2. That is so true about our people and the lack of initiative to start businesses Eyes, but still!! lol

    I do wish that we could look past the "working for" mentality towards the "owning" mentality. Do you think that this came from slavery? Do some blacks just have it ingrained in them that they will forever work for somebody?
