Friday, December 17, 2010

Nuthin' Much Here

So it has been a few weeks since I have seen the young buck and I am okay. I have even been talking to another guy, Mike, on the phone. Decent conversation. That is all...

We had a snow event yesterday and I got the urge to cook! I made grown up Beenie Weenie and Veggie Beef Soup! Yum! The kids were so happy. It has been that long since I have cooked. Sad. Lol! But it has been a cold winter so far. I am sick of this!

The semester is over and I have pretty good grades- 4 A's & 1 C. It evens out. I did get some promising news. I may be able to stay @ my school while I am interning! I won't be getting paid, but I wouldn't if I were @ another school either & I get to be with my besties! Yay! Well, it hasn't been confirmed, but I am praying that it will work out.

My kids have been decent. I am excited about their Christmas this year. They wanted to have surprises this year so I had fun shopping.
BTW: I am done! So I will start shopping for my self tomorrow!
I want some shooties and snow boots. I may pick up a couple of pairs of pants. I'm not sure. I probably should wait until after Christmas and do my shopping.

So bloggers, what are you up to? How's life been treating you? Talk to me....

Sassy Me

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sassy...

    Well you can see what's going on with me at my blog, but I will say this...I bought some diamond earrings. Well just studs for my second hole. I like them but I should have gone on ebay because I think the prices were better over there. Damn. Anyway I likey them. tattoo.

    Pretty Brown called me. I'm done with that texting convos with him and I think he gets that? Anyway it is still just words that he says. Trying not to get caught up in him again.

    I hate Xmas shopping, but I bought stuff for my peeps anyway. I think next year we will have to do a grab bag cuz I don't want a list of people to have to shop for. I totally hate shopping for others. LOL.

    If you don't cook you guys eat out a lot? Heck sometimes that can be cheaper? I usually cook when I'm home. Grubbing on some grits and turkey bacon (slightly burned) right now.

    Are u setting any goals for 2011?
