Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I lied...

Ok, I did it. I went to the doctor on Monday, expecting to hear that I have strep, but I don't. Yay!!! But I do have fluid in every single orifice. Yuck!!! It comes from allergy irritation. My doctor says that we have not been aggressive enough in our allergy treatment so she put me on 2 nasal sprays, Zyrtec, Sudafed (the kind you make meth with) and a NetiPot. That is alot of crap!!! I hate to spray anything up my nose, so you know this was not going to go well.

Well I went to the pharmacy and I was unable to get one of the nasal sprays because my insurance requires prior approval. I was like WHAT!??!?!?! They wont even let me pay the highest copay (50 bucks) to get it. I am not sure what I need to do to get it, but I am pissed. I mean, what if this was a life or death type of situation? I can do without this medicine but not high blood pressure or heart meds. I cannot imagine having to go home to my sick child or loved one and say that the meds that the doctor told us would give you relief are not available to us. What is the reason? Money I guess. I hope that this health care bill can do something about this.

So back to the gross stuff... I did not buy a NetiPot which is a teapot looking thing that you put warm water and salt into and pour water into your nose through the spout. It is supposed to clean out your sinuses, but I haven't seen anything in the two times that I used it. I have however, almost drowned because I wanted to breathe through my nose. And choked because water came through my sinuses into my mouth!!! YUCK and DOUBLE YUCK!!!!

I have started to feel somewhat better, but these meds are going to cost a blooming fortune. I spent $25 for copay, $15 for one nasal spray, $16 for Zyrtec, $5 small Sudafed, $12 for the Netipot and $10 for the antibiotic just in case my sinuses don't dry up (which they haven't) anf Diflucan for the inevitable yeast infection . That comes to a whopping $83. I cannot do this every month. I can't really afford to do this THIS month!!! Times like these I say Jesus take the wheel!!!


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