Tuesday, June 8, 2010

School's Out (almost) for the Summer!!!

I am so glad that this school year is almost over. I am so sick of these kids that I don't know what to do!!! Last year we had a rough crew. These were some "inner city " kids that were bussed in because they didn't want the year round option. I say "inner city" because in the big NC we have some rough stuff, but we ain't got nothin' on DC and NYC. The year before that we had project kids. I have been told stories of how daddy stole mommy's van while he was drunk and turned it over on the highway, that the police came into my house last night and everybody had to lay on the floor until it was over and that we ate dry cereal by candle light for dinner last night. Now those kids have an excuse for getting out of pocket and acting crazy at school.

But this year, the little white suburban kids we have are driving me crazy!!! They are the biggest bunch of entitled M-F's I have EVER seen. If I am talking to another teacher or student they think that they have to right to talk. And these are kindergartners-- they talk about NOTHING!!! Even if we tell them to shut it, they go right back to talking when we start our conversation again. Talking is just the half of it. They run and push to get into line to go anywhere... Lunch, bathroom, outside... I bet they would push each other down the stairwell to HELL!!! One girl in my after care program ran to be the first in line for water. She fell over her Crocs and BROKE HER ARM!!!!! Just so she could be first.

Today there was pushing, teasing, tattling, back talking... all before lunch. Alexandra was crying because Gabriella told her that the cat would pull down her pants. WTH??? I liked to have slapped them both. (For my Northern friends, "liked to" means almost... not sure if you knew that) Then Elijah says, Ash-ur (that's how he says Asher) says I have on a tutu. (eyes rolling so hard that they are stuck in the back of my head for 15 seconds) I just point to the other side of the room. Go. A. Way. Then I start praying aloud:
"Lord Jesus. I can't do this anymore. It is only 11.00. School just started at 9.00. Why me God? Didn't I give enough in the offering? Didn't I visit the sick and shut in? I didn't spare the rod in my own home. What did I do to deserve this? "

I open my eyes to see 20 pairs of eyes staring, mouths agape, bodies still. My co- teacher is at her desk dying from laughter. I stifle a smile and say, "What'chu looking at? I am praying 'cause I must have done something to make you act this way."

Elijah stands up and says. "Nope. We're just bad!" and he goes back to making his word family chart.

What do you say to that?

I wish I could line them up and beat them. I would take a flyswatter and tear up some tails!!! Just two more days!!! I told them today that they didn't have to come back. They had passed kindergarten and I'd mail them their report card. Bad aren't I? (smile)

I hope that the next two days are better. Like I told them today... we can have a good 3 days or a not so good 3 days. It is their choice. From the looks of today it is gonna be a rocky rest of the week!!!

Lord, help!!!!


  1. Oooh you get the whole summer off!!! Whatcha gonna do gurl?

  2. Well today was the last day with kids. I have one workday on Friday and then I will have a couple of weeks off. In July I will teach summer school four days a week. Since I have a car payment now I have to work. Then I will have off until the middle of August. I will shop and travel some. I am thinking of hitting ATL or DC.
